Clickbank Products

Our Use

Sellers Benefits
1. Earn More VirtaPay by selling products.
2. Earn Real Cash for archiving goals.

How the system works.
We only allow 100 sellers to join our site
All those 100 sellers should accept Selling Terms

Logic part :- 100 sellers mean approximate 500 buying buttons which mean if 10 members came trough those buttons 5000 buyers per day. Which mean  more virtapay money than before.

How to get paid real money

We have mention some goals ;

For selling 1000 to 1999 sales you earn $20 to your paypal
For selling 2000 to 3999 sales you earn $50 to your paypal
For selling 4000 to 6999 sales you earn $100 to your paypal
For selling 7000 to 9999 sales you earn $500 to your paypal

If any seller archive these goals you get paid. These are the sales done at our site from virtapay for your account.

Email for the membership and give us 5 stars too

Clickbank Products